I have been in Medellin for 10 days now and will probably be in the area another 10 or 12 days. During that time I cracked a tooth but found a terrific American-trained dentist. He fixed the tooth and another developing problem as well. I was so impressed by his state-of-the-art clinic that I am having some other dental work done.
A few days ago the hard drive on my three month old Macbook Pro blew up. The good news (like the tooth) is that it happened in Medellin, a vibrant modern city throbbing with energy and home to an Apple authorized reseller.
Meet my heroes, Angelica and Jason who rebuilt my OS and retreived 100% of my data.

Angelica and Jason of the iShop, Medellin, Colombia
You guys rock!!! It’s people like you that keep me coming back to Apple. Now I can blog again. I plan to make some small upgrades to the site tomorrow and catch y’all up with Cartagena and Medellin.Tweet

You are so lucky to have been in a more modern city when things like that happen. I chipped my tooth while at the airport in Quito en route to Mexico. It doesn’t hurt, so I still haven’t gone to a dentist. Since I’m in Buenos Aires now, I probably should get over my fear and get it looked at.
Stephanie recently posted..A Tourist in Bogotá- 1000 Photos in 5 Days
Yes, if it had happened in Ecuador or Peru next few weeks I would have been SOL. Good look with yours. I am sure you will find a good dentist in Buenos Aires.
hello Phillip, i`m not looking for fame, but you are doing that for me… the problem is you took my most horrible angle and bad moment….jajaja.
thxs so much for your nice way to be and open-hearted energy, when you come back i will be waiting for you with another beer…yeaahh!!!!
P.D.: My girlfriend says: Hi!
Thanks Jason. Enjoyed our visit at Casa Kiwi and hope to see you and Natalia tonight. I would not be typing this post right now if not for you and Angelica. Warmest regards.