On Monday I decided to visit Santa Cruz La Laguna on the other side of the lake. Santa Cruz can only be reached by boat as there are no roads leading there. As a result, there are no cars, tuk-tuks or trucks.

Approaching Santa Cruz La Laguna
Santa Cruz is strung out along the lake for a couple kilometers. There are foot paths along the lake and others leading up into the hills for fabulous views.

Santa Cruz, Guatemala
From this tranquil town, the lake really comes into its own with fabulous unobstructed views. Here is one of Vulcan San Pedro across the lake from where I started this day.

View of Vulcan San Pedro from Santa Cruz La Laguna
Most of the shore has been bought up by wealthy Guatemalans and foreigners. There are some beautiful homes and hotels along the shoreline. I hiked up into the mountains to get another perspective.

View of a Casa from Above Santa Cruz
It was a hot and sweaty hike. After returning to the shore, I found a small hotel called the Isle Verde. They have a restaurant and grow most of their own organic vegetables. The rest of their food is locally sourced from carefully chosen venders. I ordered a hummus plate that was really fresh with whole grain bread and local olives.

Hummus plate at Isla Verde
Prices are a bit higher here than in San Pedro but lunch was still only about $9 and so very fresh.

Hummus Plate at Isla Verde
An after lunch stroll further along the lake led me to meet a chef from Liverpool and his wife from Paris who built a little hotel here four years ago. Chef Mark and I hung out awhile talking shop.

Chefs Mark and Philip Talk Shop
Then it was time to catch a water taxi back to San Pedro where…
I had a fun surprise!
Back in San Pedro I Skyped Dr. Bill to see about when to come to Rio Dulce to volunteer in his clinic. He told me he was in San Marcos all week teaching classes and healing locals. I said I would be on the boat in the morning (today) for the 15 minute ride to meet him.
When I arrived this morning, he was packing to go to the city because a high official had just been diagnosed with a serious condition and wanted him to treat. Saying he would return in a couple days, he asked if I would fill in his class and give a 15 minute talk about HeartMath. After a moment’s hesitation, my heart said “of course.”
I had no idea what I would do or say, but after awhile, about 30 people gathered. I started with a Quick Coherence exercise and then proceeded to talk about the history of the Institute, techniques such as Heart Lock-In and various peer-reviewed study results. I talked for two hours! After that, I answered many questions. It was a phenomenal experience and I felt privileged to serve in this way.
Please note that Quick Coherence, Heart Lock-In and HeartMath are trademarked and copyrighted by the Institute of HeartMath. If you would like further information please visit www.HeartMath.org.
Tomorrow, I think I will take a day trip to Xela, 2.5 hours each way by chicken bus.Tweet

Sounds like you’re having a great time Phil!
We’re so jealous- keep it up!!!
The photos are gorgeous.
Thanks Mindy. XOXOX!!!
Fantastic on all accounts! Looks like you’ve had yet one more amazing couple of days ~ I am so enjoying this, Philip! Thanks so much for allowing me (and all who are signed up) to experience your travels thru the photos and narration.
Thanks Judie. Hope you’re enjoying the great weather I hear y’all are having.
Hi Phillip,
I am enjoying the great pix and stories. Bali sounds fabulous. I have always admired their wood carvings. Lynn and I have a few pieces at home. Looking forward to catching up when you get back stateside.
Light on you,
Thanks Al, great to hear from you.