Happy Eater, Last Day of Passover, Wrapup of Semana Santa, and any other celebratory reason you might have!
I just spent a 22 hour bus travel marathon from Cali to Quito. I left Cali at 10 p.m. and actually managed to sleep almost all the way to Pasto near the Ecuadorian border, arriving there about 6:00 a.m Easter Sunday morning. I then did a side trip for a couple hours, hiring a taxi to take me to El Santuario de las Lejas a neo Gothic church I had heard many stories about that spans a deep gorge.
An earlier church occupied the site. The present church was designed by the architect Lucindo Espinoza. He commenced work in 1926 and the church was finished in 1944. The Virgin Mary reportedly put in an appearance in the 1500s and it is a popular shrine. Being Easter Sunday the place was thronged with the faithful. Nonetheless, the stunning architecture integrated into the gorge and waterfalls was a trip worth taking. btw, it is quite a climb down and back up from the church to the highway!
I hope you had a great holiday and found something in your life to deeply appreciate! Talk to you soon. I am exhausted and need to go to bed now!Tweet

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