Here are some of the locals that have kept my heart open and made my stay in San Pedro so enjoyable.
This is the young fellow who shows up every day to see if I want to buy any cashews or macadamia nuts. He holds a string attached to a homemade balance scale to weigh your purchase.

Nut Salesman
And this is Melissa. She and her father watch the San Juan trailhead to Indian Nose where you sign their guestbook before your summit hike.

Another heart melter is the banana bread lady. I buy a warm fresh loaf of her banana bread every other day or so. I love hearing her lilting street call, “Pan de banana”?

?Pan de Banana?
Many have asked who the go-to guy is here in San Pedro La Laguna. Well, at last, the truth can be told.

He is the Man Here at the Lake
Here is my friend Anita. For Q8, she makes the most incredible fresh squeezed glass of juice from beets, carrots, oranges, pineapple and papaya. I help her with her English and she helps me with my Spanish. She is 24, very bright, and wants to study in the states. Any sponsors out there?

Then there is Wayne, a 65+ permanent traveler from Charlotte, North Carolina, who has visited over 150 countries and is still going. We usually have Sunday Southern BBQ lunch together.

In San Marcos, this young lady sells chocolate to help support her family and is totally enamored with my Kindle.

Chocolate Salesperson

Lake Atitlan Fisherman in Traditional Cedar Log Canoe

Dr. Bill

Healers of the Heart, on the Rocks at San macros

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