–Day 9-San Cristobal Island–
Well the eight day incredible boat trip has regrettably ended; however, I still have several days at liberty in the Galapagos before my flight back to Quito. Jackson, Guy and I have decided to hang together for a couple more days.

The Adventure Continues
We take a three hour fast boat trip to San Cristobal Island and check into a hostel for the night. The following day we book what promises to be a great snorkeling boat trip. We go with a combination of divers and snorkelers, leaving at 9 am. We stop at an inlet for a snorkel and for the divers to test their equipment. During the snorkel two sea lions come right at me, playing, and circle around me within a foot or two. I resist the temptation to reach out and touch them. However, I am captivated and in awe by their speed and playfulness as they cavort around me.

Sea Lions off San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

So Cute!
Back on the boat we head to Kicker’s Rock, a unique formation in the ocean where we do two snorkels. Just when you think the dives can’t get any better, they do. We zigzag between the two rock walls. I see two white-tipped sharks and a Galapagos shark. Many friendly sea lions swimming very close. For me the best part is the amazing coral growing on the vertical rock walls it is red, pink, purple, yellow, etc. Blue starfish are there as well. Fish in and out nibbling on bits of coral and adjacent plants. A kaleidoscope of colors. JUST AMAZING!!!!

Kicker's Rock, Galapagos Islands

Snorkeling off Kicker's Rock, Galapagos Islands

Coral Formation, Kicker's Rock

Galapagos Sea Turtle and Coral Formation

Amazing Coral Formation on Vertical Rock Surface

Part 6!! You are seriously making me jealous. Every post I read about the Galapagos moves it higher on my top destinations list.
The colors are incredible!! So unique and vivid!
William recently posted..Family Spirituality
Thanks William. It was one of the best weeks ever.
This is one place that no matter how many times I read or see pictures, I love it even more. I am hoping to go to the Galapagos next year and can not wait!
jade recently posted..Pimp My Treehouse: Houses of Pohnpei
Yes GO!!! I have wanted to go since I was a child and yet it exceeded my expectations. btw, how did you find my site? Left you a coment for your California trip. Cheers!
Absolutely breathtaking! This is one of my dream destinations! Thanks for the virtual tour. :))
Brenna recently posted..Falling in Love with the City of Cebu
Your welcome Brenna. You must go! So sorry to hear about the bad storms you have been having in the Philippines.